STED 2025

PIM University Banja Luka is pleased to invite you to XIV International Conference on Social and Technological Development – STED 2025. The conference will be held in Leotar Hotel, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, June 12-15th, 2025.
Themes of Conference:
- Engineering, Technology and Materials,
- Computer Sciences,
- Ecology, Energy Efficiency and Green Energy,
- Economics and Management,
- Law Sciences,
- Psychology,
- Education, Medical Sciences.

- submission of abstracts is May 1th, 2025
- submission of full papers is July 15th, 2025

Participation fees for STED 2025 110€ includes:
- up to two papers,
- certificates for all authors
- conference materials and program,
- conference dinner,
- cocktail and excursion


PhD Marija Blagojević
Full Professor, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Čačak, Serbia
Department of Information Technologies
Plenary lecture topic of STED 2024:
Application of Artificial Neural Networks Across Various Domains of Creativity: A Research Overview
Marija Blagojević is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, University of Kragujevac, at the Department of Information technology. Born in 1984, she obtained her MSc degree in technics and informatics in 2007 and PhD degree in technical sciences in 2014. Her current research interests include data mining, artificial neural networks, e-learning, programming, etc. She has been an Assistant professor since 2015. With sixteen years of experience in teaching and research activities, she is the author or co-author of more than 100 research papers and a reviewer in numerous scientific journals. She is also a reviewer of projects and study programs and a member of partner university for Tempus project. She was a member of the organizational committees of several conferences and a member of Commission for self-evaluation at the Faculty. She has participated in four Erasmus+ mobilities and many national and international projects.

PhD László Erdey
Associate professor, University of Debrecin, Faculty of Economics and Business, Debrecin, Hungary
Plenary lecture topic of STED 2024:
Recent Changes in the Geography of Global Merchandise Trade – Geopolitical and Sustainability Issues
László Erdey is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Debrecen, Hungary. Born in 1971, he obtained his BSc and MSc degrees in a one-tier program at the Budapest University of Economics. He has a PhD in economics and a Dr. Habil title in Management and Organisational Sciences. Currently, he serves as the vice dean of international affairs and the head of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. He has been decorated with several faculty and university awards and received the highest national appreciation for his scientific talent management activity. He has 30 years of teaching experience, from the bachelor’s to the doctoral level, and has worked with several institutions beyond his home country. His main research topics are applied international trade theory and development economics. He is a member of the Scientific Council on World Economy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

PhD Biljana Šćepanović
Associate professor at the University of Montenegro
Plenary lecture topic of STED 2024:
Studying of “patch loading” at the University of Montenegro
Biljana Šćepanović, Dr-Ing., educated in the field of civil engineering at the University of Montenegro (Dipl-Ing., 1996; PhD, 2010), University of Belgrade (MSc, 2003) and University of Granada (PhD, 2010; postdoc, 2017), is associate professor at the University of Montenegro (Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Architecture, Center for Doctoral Studies, Center for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies). She has been an employee of the University of Montenegro since 1996 and the minister of science and technology development in the 43rd Government of Montenegro, 2022-2023. Her studying and work experience have been enriched by numerous research and/or teaching mobilities at European universities, as well as by active participation in different international cooperation programmes (Erasmus+, CEEPUS, COST, CGHS, IPA etc.). Domain of teaching and research work as well as of engineering expertise: metal and timber structures.

PhD Draško Gajić
Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Banja Luka
Plenary lecture topic of STED 2024:
Migrant crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina between political challenges and institutional (in)action
Draško Gajić, born on July 16, 1974, in Banja Luka. He completed his undergraduate studies in Social Work in 2004 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Banja Luka. He completed his master’s studies in the field of Social Policy in 2011 at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade. He defended his doctoral dissertation in the same scientific field at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Banja Luka in 2020. In 2010, under the arrangement of the organization Save the Children UK, he attended and completed certified education and training for the development and establishment of standards in the field of child protection. Additionally, he attended and completed certified education within the SPPD project, UNDP, and the Republic Agency for Public Administration of the Republic of Srpska: components “Public Policy Development” and “Strategic Planning.” He was elected as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences in the narrower scientific field of Social Policy. He teaches courses in both the first and second cycles of studies in the subjects: Social Policy, Non-Governmental Sector in Social Policy, Human Rights and Social Work, Poverty and Social Inclusion, Social Protection in Emergency Situations, Establishment of Community Services for Children and Families, Crisis Management in Social Policy, Unemployment and Employment Policies. He is the creator and participant in the implementation of several professional projects in the field of Social Policy and Social Work. He is a member of the Union of Associations of Professional Workers in Social Activities and the Association of Social Workers in the Republic of Srpska.

PhD Tamara Erceg
Research associate at at the Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad
Department of Materials Engineering
Plenary lecture topic of STED 2024:
Design and characterization of active bilayer coating for cheese packaging with improved functional properties
Dr. Tamara Erceg graduated from the Faculty of Technology in Novi Sad at the Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering, specializing in emulsions. She defended her doctoral thesis titled “Structuring of Polymeric Networks Based on Acrylamide and Acrylic Acid” in 2019 at the Department of Materials Engineering, where she is employed as a research associate. She is the author of several papers in international journals, numerous international and domestic conferences, two international book chapters, three technical solutions applied at the national level, one patent application in the field of synthesis and characterization of new and improved polymeric materials for various applications, as well as a product that has been marketed. She is involved in all aspects of polymeric materials and dispersive systems, with a special focus on green chemistry. She has advanced her expertise both domestically and internationally through numerous collaborations with scientific institutions and industry.
She has participated in projects such as: “Multiscale Structuring of Nanocomposites and Functional Materials Using Different Precursors” (III45022), funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, and “Optimization of Parameters for the Production of Biodegradable and Compostable Bags” (funded by UNDP Serbia), Several COST actions. Currently, she is a leader / package coordinator / team member on the following projects: “Eco-friendly Concept for the Control of Invasive Stinky Bugs (BugControl)” – Proof of Concept, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia; “Influence of Aging on Microplastics Identification,” bilateral project with France “Pavle Savić”; “Application of Waste from Fruit Processing to Obtain High-Value Pectin-Based Products” (UNDP); “E-NOSE” – Horizon MSCA Staff Exchanges 2023; “Quantum Correlations in Investigation of the Properties of Organic Thin Films Deposited on Different Plastic Substrates after High-Energy Ion and Neutron Irradiation” – agreement between JINR, Dubna, Russian Federation, and the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia; IPA project Serbia-Croatia; “Implementation of the Principles of Circular Bio-Economy in Vojvodina Based on a Personalized Approach to the Design and Development of Granules Based on Bioplastics for Obtaining Products for Everyday Use and Special Purposes,” funded by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research of APV; “Advanced Biodegradable Hydrogels Development for Controlled Delivery of Fertilizer in Sustainable Vegetable Production,” bilateral project with Turkey; Activities related to the signed agreement with the Italian company OXHY S.r.l.; Program of the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.
Instructions for payment of the registration fees for STED 2024
From the country
Bank accounts
ATOS BANK a.d. Banja Luka: 567-162-11003136-31
UniCredit Bank a.d. Banja Luka: 551-500-11296940-32
Nova Bank a.d. Banja Luka: 555-100-00491311-47
From abroad
Contact person: PhD Dejan Kojić, assoc. prof. Tel: +387 66 253-217 | E-mail: kojic.d@hotmail.com